

Education Sector Cyber Security

As more educational institutions move their data and applications to the cloud, it's essential to have robust cloud cybersecurity measures in place. Cloud cyber security can help protect educational institutions from a range of threats, including malware, ransomware, and data breaches. At Censornet, we offer comprehensive cloud cybersecurity solutions for the education sector, including, web filtering, data loss prevention and email security. Our solutions are designed to help schools and universities protect their networks and data while providing a safe and secure online environment for students and staff. Whether you're looking to secure your cloud infrastructure or implement effective cloud access controls, our cloud cybersecurity solutions are tailored to meet your unique needs.

Protecting pupil’s data

Education faces more phishing and ransomware attacks than any other sector. Large personal data stores make a tempting target for cybercriminals, and Ofsted is pushing schools and universities to safeguard students. Yet almost half of schools (47%) don’t feel prepared for a cyberattack.

You need to keep all your sensitive data safe, on every device, app, and website. And you need to do it quickly, efficiently, and simply. That’s where Censornet comes in.

Enabling the Education sector to stop ransomware and phishing attacks in their tracks.

In 2022, 78% of schools experienced a cyber security incident. Education professionals rank ransomware and phishing as their top concerns, with the situation made worse by unpatched legacy systems and the growing use of unprotected personal devices.

Censornet’s autonomous, integrated cloud security gives stretched IT teams the tools and support they need to stay one step ahead of the game. We ensure your data is protected, wherever it goes. We deliver web, email, and app security in a unified, easy-to-use platform. And we help train your people in the basics – reducing the chance of human error.

How Censornet works with the Education Sector

Protect sensitive student data

Stop cybercriminals from exfiltrating your data, no matter where it resides.

Cybersecurity training for teachers, staff and students

Make sure staff and pupils know how to spot, avoid, and report phishing and ransomware.

Eliminate gaps to prevent cyber-attacks

Integrate your defences, from web to email to apps, and stop hackers getting in between the cracks

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